See the Difference in your Body’s Shape in 3D.

​Fast & Non-Invasive

Scan in leggings, shorts, and any other form-fitting clothing.
Scans take only 35 seconds.

View Body Measurements

Measure waist, hip, body fat%, and more.
Rotate, Pan, and Zoom to view a body from any angle.

Set Personalized Goals

​Set fat-loss goals, dates, and calorie calculator.
Customize Workout Frequency and Calorie Deficits.
Estimate Basal Metabolic Rate and Calorie Expenditure.

Track Progress

Get Details on how each biometric is changing with time.
See Reports for Progress, Scan, Body Comp, and more!



When it comes to tracking changes in your body composition and helping you reach your weight loss goals, the Styku 3D body fat scanner is a powerful tool. 

The Styku 3D body fat scanner uses a unique combination of 3D scanning technology, photogrammetry, and computer vision algorithms which allows you to easily track changes in your body over time, giving you a better understanding of what’s going on with your body and how your lifestyle choices are impacting your overall health.

Another great benefit of the Styku 3D body fat scanner is that it helps you set realistic weight loss goals. By providing an accurate picture of your body composition, it’s easier to identify what areas need the most improvement and how much progress you’re making towards your goals. With this knowledge, you can then adjust your diet and exercise plan accordingly to ensure you’re on the right track.

The Styku 3D body fat scanner is an innovative tool that can help you reach your weight loss goals while keeping track of your body composition. With its accurate measurements and easy-to-understand reports, it’s an incredible tool that can give you insight into your body and help you make smarter decisions about your lifestyle.

Call for an Appt.  (609)-382-TRIM